Monday, November 23, 2009

Singapore implicated as piracy hub?

In this article that I have found online(, I got a pretty good idea how is the piracy in Singapore. As the article goes, Singapore is one of the lowest in Asia-Pacific but however, a significant amount of pirated products will passed through Singapore.

As the article state, Singapore have one of the busiest port South-East Asia and the piracy is a byproduct of it. However, I feel that this is a chance to reduce piracy as the products goes through Singapore, the government will be able to catch them easily.

But as a Singaporean, I think that the Government have done a good job in keeping the piracy level down. However, there is a rise in internet piracy and that will prove to be a more challenging problem for the government to solve.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,You Quan, i do agree that internet privacy is a severe problem that we need to solve as soon as possible. Because nowdays, there are numerous victims suffered from internet fraud. They can be individuals or companys.And the main factor to lead internet fraud is the privacy.People use internet to hacke the information of bank account,files,etc. In order to get benefits.Therefore, to decrease the percentage of internet fraud, we need to increase the security of the internet.:D

    mengying T04 SIWM
