Thursday, December 3, 2009

Music piracy in Asia

The global economic downturn has actually accelerated the Internet-fuelled fall in sales of physical music. But however, a survey of more than 8,000 young Asians between 15 and 24 years old found only 11 percent paid for the music they obtained online. Faced with such huge figures, music tries to make people paid for music in a completely new way. Paul Smith, from Nokia, said the handset manufacturer was now offering music services bundled with its mobile phones.
Instead of paying per song, people now are allowed to download and song they want into their phones over 12 to 18-month period. The cost of the music is indirectly factored into the price of the handset and this is like buying a headset that you need and having new songs every now and then for just the price of the headset. I think through this way, downloading music illegally is no longer necessary.

Stop movie piracy : make a difference!

Motion Picture Association actually have a website to tell people about piracy!
In the website, there are things like the piracy ecosystem where they talk about how movies are stolen and then distributed through international distribution systems. Under the piracy ecosystem, they also talk about the different method on how movie are distributed. Such as, cd-rom and downloading of the net.
They also talk about what they have done to prevent people from recording. As patrons, we can do a part be being alert and when we see someone tries to record illegally, contact the local police. They are trying to tell the people that we are actually victims too when it comes to movie piracy. “Movie piracy is not a victimless crime and you are one of the victims. Long before piracy effects Hollywood it robs local businesses of a livelihood and the capacity to provide local employment. People who steal movies are stealing money from every cinema….and that means fewer jobs”. I think that reading this website really makes me know more about movie piracy and how we can help to fight movie piracy.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Singapore implicated as piracy hub?

In this article that I have found online(, I got a pretty good idea how is the piracy in Singapore. As the article goes, Singapore is one of the lowest in Asia-Pacific but however, a significant amount of pirated products will passed through Singapore.

As the article state, Singapore have one of the busiest port South-East Asia and the piracy is a byproduct of it. However, I feel that this is a chance to reduce piracy as the products goes through Singapore, the government will be able to catch them easily.

But as a Singaporean, I think that the Government have done a good job in keeping the piracy level down. However, there is a rise in internet piracy and that will prove to be a more challenging problem for the government to solve.