Sunday, February 7, 2010

Productivity In Singapore

A unique Asian bun store in United States is currently offering the following services:

· Using a touch screen to order buns

· Make payment with credit card

The store, Wow Bao, did not depend on manpower to be productive.

Minister of State for Trade and Industry and Manpower Lee Yu Shyan indicated that that is the kind of innovation that local businessmen must embrace.

Productivity has taken on different meanings during different periods of economic development. Promoting manufacturing was the focus for Singapore in the 1970s, said Mr. Lee.

“But now, we are in a much more sophisticated economy. At this level of economic development, how do you make people more productive? I think that is the biggest question.”

Mr. Lee believe that Business owners must be innovative and workers must ensure that they are able to use higher technology such as handheld computers to increase productivity.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I stumbled this video on youtube that talks about piracy. Its about the famous rock star Jack Black. Under the information, "Jack Black schools all of you on the truth about piracy. Remember, don't be a douche.". He mention about how he see piracy as some kind of bad practice to download videos, movies and songs without paying. Think of it in their shoes, what if you were the director of a certain movie? would you want others to enjoy it without paying? Letting your hard works go down the drain without earning what you ought to?

In this case of entertainment industry with regards to piracy, downloading songs illegally will affect the Artists directly, in the form of songs popularity, their own popularity and of cause their album sales. Movies box office are not hitting their supposed amount of revenue because people are at home sreaming videos online. This is just one of the few examples. Theres just too much more to list, i'm sure you guys are aware of it but enjoying free music and movies are just taken for granted. Moreover, telling your friends that you bought songs from iTunes and other music stores will be deem as being "stupid" and wasting money when free downloads are available all over the internet.

On the other hand, as read in an online article: "IFPI responds to new UK music downloading study; Illegal file-sharing has an overwhelmingly negative impact on music sales", it states that people who download music illegal are buying more music as compared to average comsumer. This statement is actually backed up by a research done by IPSOS. However, there are other opposing research that is in disagreement with the research statement as mentioned earlier on, hence it is only to some extent credible.

You guys are welcomed to share your comments about this issue and make it more interesting:D